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The Pie Chart Method: A CBT Technique to Improve Health Anxiety

The Pie Chart Method: A CBT Technique to Improve Health Anxiety
When we have health anxiety, we tend to inflate the probability of serious disease, statistically speaking. CBT techniques can help you to see the likelihood of disease more accurately. The Pie Chart Method is one technique to help you consider the many non-catastrophic causes of symptoms.

Health Anxiety and Core Beliefs About Being Weak and Vulnerable

Health Anxiety and Core Beliefs About Being Weak and Vulnerable
  • People with health anxiety often hold the dysfunctional belief that they are weak and vulnerable to disease.
  • Dysfunctional beliefs can be reshaped into adaptive beliefs through a process called cognitive restructuring.
  • By developing a more adaptive belief about being strong and capable of overcoming many illnesses, one can improve their health anxiety.

How to Improve Death Anxiety Using CBT

How to Improve Death Anxiety Using CBT
  • Death anxiety is a common experience among those who are anxious about their health.
  • Death anxiety can be treated with cognitive restructuring (i.e., challenging unhelpful assumptions about death and dying).
  • Death anxiety can also be treated through exposure therapy (i.e., systematically exposing oneself to death-related concepts).