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Fear of Death: How CBT Can Decrease Fears of the Dying Process

Fear of Death: How CBT Can Decrease Fears of the Dying Process
When it comes to the dying process, people often fear being in intense pain, feeling humiliated, and burdening or hurting others. Many people have inaccurate assumptions about the dying process, making it important to evaluate and challenge those beliefs. Examining how palliative care might help with physical pain is one way to challenge one's assumptions about the dying process.

Health Anxiety and the Intolerance of Uncertainty

Health Anxiety and the Intolerance of Uncertainty
People with health anxiety often struggle with a fear of the unknown or the "intolerance of uncertainty." With the intolerance of uncertainty, one sees the uncertain things of the future as inherently bad. One can improve health anxiety by learning to see uncertainty in new ways. Learn to see the beauty of living in an uncertain world as well as recognize one's ability to cope with any difficult situations or events.