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The Pie Chart Method: A CBT Technique to Improve Health Anxiety

The Pie Chart Method: A CBT Technique to Improve Health Anxiety
When we have health anxiety, we tend to inflate the probability of serious disease, statistically speaking. CBT techniques can help you to see the likelihood of disease more accurately. The Pie Chart Method is one technique to help you consider the many non-catastrophic causes of symptoms.

How Anxiety About Health Can Disrupt Someone's Life

How Anxiety About Health Can Disrupt Someone's Life
  • People with severe health anxiety hold dysfunctional or maladaptive beliefs about health and illness.
  • Dysfunctional beliefs develop early in life and are strengthened through reinforcement.
  • Dysfunctional beliefs enter one into a cycle of unhelpful thoughts and behaviors that worsens health anxiety.
  • Cognitive behavioral therapy aims to interrupt this cycle by modifying maladaptive beliefs, thinking errors, and safety behaviors.

Try the “No Help” Experiment to Improve Your Health Anxiety

Reassurance-seeking for health anxiety
  • With health anxiety, we often assume that we need to be symptom-free in order to be healthy, but this isn't true.
  • "Body noise" includes symptoms and bodily sensations that are due to normal, self-regulatory processes that are not a serious disease.
  • Behavioral experiments can help you refrain from "black-and-white thinking" when it comes to your health.