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How Anxiety about Health can Disrupt Someone's Life

How Anxiety about Health can Disrupt Someone's Life
People with severe health anxiety hold dysfunctional or maladaptive beliefs about health and illness. Dysfunctional beliefs develop early in life and are strengthened through reinforcement. Dysfunctional beliefs enter one into a cycle of unhelpful thoughts and behaviors that worsens health anxiety. Cognitive behavioral therapy aims to interrupt this cycle by modifying maladaptive beliefs, thinking errors, and safety behaviors.

Fear of Death: How CBT Can Decrease Fears of the Dying Process

Fear of Death: How CBT Can Decrease Fears of the Dying Process
When it comes to the dying process, people often fear being in intense pain, feeling humiliated, and burdening or hurting others. Many people have inaccurate assumptions about the dying process, making it important to evaluate and challenge those beliefs. Examining how palliative care might help with physical pain is one way to challenge one's assumptions about the dying process.

Why Watching Videos about Tragic Health Stories on Social Media Worsens Health Anxiety

Why Watching Videos about Tragic Health Stories on Social Media Worsens Health Anxiety
People with health anxiety hold dysfunctional core beliefs about health and illness. 
One dysfunctional belief held by those with health anxiety is the overestimation of the probability and severity of disease. Core beliefs are reinforced by information processing, in which we pay more attention to data that confirms our belief.